Friday, February 3, 2017

Post 6

Both of the stories are built off of elements of sex and lust. The song that I feel most accurately reflects The Wife of Bath's Tale is Rihanna’s song Sex With Me; the first two sentences are “Sex with me, so amazing All this all work, no vacation” which depicts the middle aged women, she brags about how she loves sex, used sex to get what she wants from almost all of her husbands and is on the hunt for her next husband (never taking a vacation from marriage).  She truly only loved one of her husbands, the rest for her were as if “We’re not making love” it was just a means of how she could control them.      

The song that best reflects Apollo in Metamorphoses is “Already Taken” by Trey Songz; this song accurately reflects hoe he fell for Daphne if it was present day. In the beginning of the song he says, “I knew she was the girl for me Like no other I had seen”, which is how Apollo first felt when he saw Daphne. Apollo was knon for being a player with multiple women, but then Daphne made him reconsider Thought I'd never fall in love Then there was you And I don't wanna be a player no more”. After Apollo was shot with the arrow, Daphne became “the apple of my eye” for him. At the end all he wanted to do was “I just want to love my baby”; even though the feeling wasn’t mutual.


  1. Your choice of songs are great examples that depict the stories we've read and covered in class! I really liked how you used "Sex With Me" by Rihanna because there probably isn't a more perfect song to relate to Wife of Bath! She definitely is sex hungry and demanding for sure! Apollo and Daphne's love was one of a kind for sure, but her not loving him back can be compared to Trey Songz feelings not only because the feelings weren't mutual, but also because he pours his heart out and expresses his love for her even though she doesn't care, so that says a lot about their character and love for his girl!

  2. I like how you compared to modern songs with this tale. It shows that people from those times and people today have a similar way of thinking. This was a great comparison.

  3. I think the Trey Songz song was a great comparison with Apollo and Daphne, Although today when a man likes a women, and the women is not interested they either call it Thirsty or stalking.
