Friday, February 24, 2017

Post 12

The tragic public figure that I chose to write about is how Donald Trump became the president of the United States; Remnick has stated, "... this is nothing less than a tragedy for the American republic, a tragedy for the Constitution, and a triumph for the forces, at home and abroad, of nativism, authoritarianism, misogyny, and racism." Trump has turned the white house into a tabloid magazine and now always want to accuse and "has branded such reputable media outlets such as the The New York Times, CNN, NBC and others "Fake news"(Lavender) even though he's one of the main people who broadcast in-credible sources when the information aligns with his agenda.   Even Trumps own advisor said, "Trump's war with the media is going to get worse". As the President, there are more important events going on than what the media says about you.

In my opinion the U.S. has never had a presidential candidate mocked and ridiculed almost on a daily basis end up winning the presidency, which is a modern tragedy. The tragedy is if the American people are subjected to subliminal messages that the media is always lying and never telling the truth, then that places doubts in the American Peoples minds in the future whether or not they are able to trust the news media with the information that they publish.

Today modern tragedy is similar to a classical tragedy, in the sense that reversal of fortunes is set in action.

Lavender, Paige. “Donald Trump: The First Amendment Gives Me The Right To Criticize ‘Fake News.’” The Huffington Post, 24 Feb. 2017, Accessed 24 Feb. 2017.           

Remnick, David. “Presidential Election 2016: An American Tragedy.” The New Yorker, The New Yorker, 11 Nov. 2016, Accessed 24 Feb. 2017.           

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Post 11

When my family relocated to a new neighborhood being built I met my friend Axel*, we became best friends rather quickly. Over the course of the years we drifted with how much we communicated, because we had different paths in life; we were both dealing with family issues, while he was also focusing on ensuring his baseball scholarship(s). During the last two years before I moved to Georgia his parents divorced and he and his other siblings were forced to decide who they'd rather live with.

I believe this is the trigger that sent him on his downward Spiral; to cop with the adjustment, Axel* started getting involved with the wrong group of people, and taking drugs. Eventually it all caught up with him and he ended up losing his full ride scholarship to the University he wanted to attend; that was the last information I knew before I had moved. When I went back to visit my old neighborhood and asked about him, I found out that his dad lost his job and sub-sequentially their home, so they had to move.

Name changed*

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Post 10

From the posts that I've read, everyone generally seems to have the same idea of what a modern epic hero reflects and stands for; a few characteristics from other posts that have frequently popped up are hope, strength, and bravery. In Ashley's post, she chose to discuss Superman as a hero; in my opinion Some people would classify Soldiers and Superman in the same category. Even though soldiers don't have the same capabilities as Superman, they both had the option whether or not they want to defend/ save a person or not. Our modern heroes reflect classical heroes in almost every way, it's just a new age in which we live that causes our "new" heroes to reflect more in line with our current society.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Post 9

Most modern epic heroes possess at least one of the six general characteristics commonly associated with them; a heroes traits can consist of: some sort of nobility, actions performed being well above and beyond what commoners are able to do, physically buff and attractive, can authentically be recognized by his or her people as a hero, humble (not always), or could have been effected by some sort of supernatural force. These six characteristics can help you decide if a character is an epic hero.

In my opinion, Veterans are a primary example of modern epic heroes, because they possess four of the six traits I previously mentioned. It takes a special person to leave everything they are accustomed to, with the potential threat of never being able to return to their loved ones. ,I have had the opportunity to speak with many veterans, and majority of them prefer for people not to call them heroes; providing clear evidence of just how humble veterans are, showing modesty in their value to the country.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Post 8

My initial view of the Wikipedia article, "The Wife of Bath's Tale" is that it compacts a general amount of information over a brief overview. At first glance, I was able to follow the information and understood what the post was referencing; but then as I thought about it, I starting thinking how if I was someone who had never read the story, then I would not know what the author of the composition was talking about. As I was reading it I realized that can help enhance the content, allowing the reader to receive a full synopsis of the story at hand.

As I compose my rendition of the Wikipedia Article I plan to analyze the exiting aspect while also putting myself in the audiences shoes, making sure that I thoroughly give a complete background of the story while also making sure that the reader can reference back to what I say as they start to read the story by Chaucer. I chose this story to enhance, because I felt like during this day and age it is still relevant, Chaucer was way beyond his years when he chose to publicly write a piece speaking on the subject of a females sexual desires; I feel like Chaucer should be commended for addressing such a Taboo during his time period.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Post 7

Romantic love first developed during the aristocratic courts simply because everyone loves a good love story, regardless if the story is fictional or not; courtly love is described by Britannica as “the complex product of numerous factors- social, erotic, religious and philosophical. Courtship is a completely different experience compared the alternative of two people who are just dating; typically during medieval time periods a man would court a female (regardless of his economic status) as a way of proving his sole commitment to her, with the intent of marriage later in the future; it was more of a mental or spiritual connection rather than one built off of physical attraction, it allows you to have a deeper connection with someone.

The Wife of Bath didn’t have a romantic aspect to the tale. The prologue for the main character was longer than the story itself, romanticism wasn’t a part of any aspect of the tale; the wife only truly loved one of her husbands, then rest were just a means of sexual pleasure and survival. Once one of her husbands died, she was quick to move on to the next financial source.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Post 6

Both of the stories are built off of elements of sex and lust. The song that I feel most accurately reflects The Wife of Bath's Tale is Rihanna’s song Sex With Me; the first two sentences are “Sex with me, so amazing All this all work, no vacation” which depicts the middle aged women, she brags about how she loves sex, used sex to get what she wants from almost all of her husbands and is on the hunt for her next husband (never taking a vacation from marriage).  She truly only loved one of her husbands, the rest for her were as if “We’re not making love” it was just a means of how she could control them.      

The song that best reflects Apollo in Metamorphoses is “Already Taken” by Trey Songz; this song accurately reflects hoe he fell for Daphne if it was present day. In the beginning of the song he says, “I knew she was the girl for me Like no other I had seen”, which is how Apollo first felt when he saw Daphne. Apollo was knon for being a player with multiple women, but then Daphne made him reconsider Thought I'd never fall in love Then there was you And I don't wanna be a player no more”. After Apollo was shot with the arrow, Daphne became “the apple of my eye” for him. At the end all he wanted to do was “I just want to love my baby”; even though the feeling wasn’t mutual.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Post 5

One aspect that I find to be old-fashioned, is the expectations of the traditional role that the old lady was expected to follow. A wife’s place was to essentially follow two feet behind her husband and stand silently behind him, not questioning his authority. Even though this was the traditional setup, the old lady had enough courage to stand up for what she wanted out of her personal relationships regarding marriage and wasn’t afraid to make those expectations known of her sexual preference; For this to happen during the medieval time period, I think it tells us a lot about her strong personality.

Just like most females today, The Wife of Bath has no shame in what has happened in her past nor does she feel that people should chastise her for expressing her own sexuality. Since she has had many experiences with men from her past, it makes her an expert; some females have the same mind set presently, feeling as though since they have been in  many relationships, it makes them an expert to give advice to someone else (sometimes unwanted). For the romantic side of story, it is basically nonexistent. Basically the only husband she truly loved was her fifth, the others were a mean to keeping her accustomed to a certain life style; this reflects why some people in our current time period get married, not for loving the person they're with but for convenience.