Saturday, March 4, 2017

Post 14

Ancient gods were more figure heads that were identifies as having some sort of magical abilities that separated them from regular humans. Most come from mythological stories that people have changed throughout the years to make ancient gods seem as all powerful beings. Most of the time, a persons goal was to try and make a certain god pleased with them or there work/ contributions.

Our modern day gods tend to be identified as celebrities and super heroes; super heroes are looked upon as gods because they always put others above themselves in life threatening situations, Captain America for example puts the country above himself and makes sure he protects the country with all his energy. Some people consider celebrities to be gods because of all of the power, wealth and financial freedom they have. An extreme example is when a person decided to devote there life to a certain celebrity building a shrine to them, can tell you all about that celebrities favorite activities, food, etc. and believes them to be a higher being.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't think about celebrities being gods, but you're completely right. Some people devote every single day to stalk their "god" or their celebrity crush. Spend hundred of hours just to create a fan page on instagram and update it every 5 minutes. Some people even go to the extent to harm themselves when someone tragic happens to their "god".
