Thursday, April 27, 2017

Post 28

The best class blogger that I have read this semester would have to be Isaiah Williams. He is the first person that comes to mind, because he has consistently been one of the few students that actually post insightful content that allows readers to become more open to other view points in a simplistic way and its great how he finds ways to tie the class into other material a person may be more familiar with, "PS. Lion King is Hamlet. If you like Lion King you like Hamlet".
Not to mention all of his posts are coherent, which is a very important aspect to have when trying to inform a viewer of a specific topic.

Post 27

One work that we read during the semester that I would be willing to read again, is the poem "Quiet Night Thoughts" by Li Po (a.k.a Li Bo). Throughout the semester, we have read many compelling pieces that are great for discuss and debate; but its just something that resonated with me about the piece. 
The most appealing aspects to me in the piece are the imagery, relatability, and the simplistic style of writing i.e."Lifting my head I watch the bright moon"; this shows that not all great work has to be meticulously structured in order to deliver a message. I will continue to read this poem due to the fact that I like the authors work.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Post 26

Hamlet is more of a modern hero rather than an ancient, epic hero in multiple ways. Hamlet can be describes as a "Plain Jane" due to the fact that he does not posses any sort of supernatural power or ability, as compared to a god. Hamlet is dealing with a real world, human situation with the death of his father; he did not need to go on a physical journey, but had more of a spiritual, internal conflict within himself.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Post 25

Throughout all of the stories that we have read this semester, the King Oedipus is most like the character Hamlet. Both of these characters have similar but yet different story lines; each of their fathers have died (despite the fact that Oedipus unknowingly in the beginning was the person to do so), they both are over dramatic as evident from Hamlet contemplating life, "To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer..." and when Oedipus gouges out his eyes, screaming, "You, you'll see no more the pain I suffered, all the pain I caused!" due to his previous actions and mistakes.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Post 24

The United States is currently in line with More's ideas and opinions in Utopia. More does not agree with Hythloday because he believes, "a country with communal property will have no prosperity." essentially meaning that the people would in a way become stagnant, being content with their situations. This has caused people to, "have no incentive to work, since they will be fed by the labor of others."
In the U.S. is true even still today, some people choose not to better themselves, because they know eventually someone will come along and help them. Through More's eyes the, "lack of  individual private property has the potential to eliminate respect for authority."

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Post 23

According to Machiavelli, Donald Trump is a good leader, he follows the sentiment that; "one should rather be feared than loved". Trump has some of the characteristics that Machiavelli thought were needed in order for a ruler to be considered tough enough. 
Just like Machiavelli said, subjects are naturally well disposed towards listening to an influential person; “Of mankind we may say in general they are fickle, hypocritical, and greedy of gain.”   Just like Machiavelli, trump dismisses the idea(s) of “political correctness”. Trump seems to be following one piece of critical advice from Machiavelli which is, “The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.”  

Friday, April 7, 2017

Post 22

Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran

Early on, Ed Sheeran makes the statement saying, 'darling I will be loving you 'til we're 70', meaning that he would still the person even as they both started to age. Near the end of the second verse, he says, 'Oh me I fall in love with you every single day' signifying that there are no other females in his life that he would rather be with, simply because he found the one he wants to be with. He further clarified that the both of them will always be with each other by saying, 'When my hair's all but gone & my memory fades & the crowds don't remember my name When my hands don't play the strings the same way, mm I know you will still love me the same'. Throughout the song he states how he wonders, '... how people fall in love in mysterious ways' and finally closes with to the conclusion that 'we found love right where we are'. The beauty in this song can be seen since he is honestly being genuine to a female about how he actually loves her and how there love will stand the test of time (ageing and finances).